1. Dr Louise Clarke

Dr Louise Clarke

Founder and Colorectal surgeon
Louise established Coastal Colorectal because she is passionate about shaking up the power dynamic in the patient-surgeon relationship – moving it away from the traditional surgeon-led scenario toward a more equal partnership that empowers the patient to manage their own healthcare journey.

After graduating from the University of Edinburgh in 2003, Louise completed her general surgical training in Brisbane. She undertook colorectal CSSANZ fellowships in Newcastle and Christchurch, plus an additional fellowship year training in advanced colorectal cancer at Basingstoke in the UK. She also has a Masters in Minimally Invasive Surgery.

Louise specialises in all aspects of colorectal surgery including minimally invasive surgery for inflammatory bowel disease, bowel cancer and diverticulitis, as well as hernia surgery. She is also an experienced endoscopist with advanced skills in gastroscopy, colonoscopy, and haemorrhoid treatment. Louise is passionate about improving healthcare systems and has authored publications on open access endoscopy, bowel cancer management and enhanced recovery after surgery.

She works at Newcastle Private and Lake Macquarie Private Hospitals, as well as Newcastle Endoscopy Centre. She also consults and operates at Forster Private Hospital.